Valentines for Saps #1

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A three-part series of 100-word short stories for the day of chocolates, roses, and cheesy Hallmark cards. As we, in Winston like to say, "It's never too late for Valentines day!"

Words by: Anonymous 

She didn't know where she was going with this.

There was a pen twirling in her hand and a blank-faced page staring up at her, expectant. But all she could do was slump against her chair and stare back at the sheet, apologetic and helpless.

With the sudden tick of the clock's hands, she clicked into place. Guiding her hand, she traced an image of a mess of brown curls from memory, a lopsided slant of amusement, a crinkled nose, painted with the faintest of freckles. She charted lines—a fusion of sharp and smooth—but knew her own hands couldn't replicate the masterpiece that already existed.

Time had snuck away but left her with the companionship of preoccupation.

Her phone buzzed: "Did you know: that when you think about someone a lot, it's because they're thinking of you."

"False." She sent.

But she couldn't bite down her growing smile.

Read the entire series here inside Winston's newest issue!! 

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