By Chris Lim, Year 7
Pranks are hilarious. However, some people complain about these kinds of pranks because they require complex material like petroleum jelly, dry ice or food colouring. The 2 pranks that I have listed below require basic materials that are easy to find, so even YOU can prank someone good this year. Here are 2 easy and great pranks for you to make your own.
1. Ketchup on Toilet Seat Prank
This prank is one of the easiest pranks to do, but keep in mind that your victim might be pretty furious. All you need is a bunch of ketchup packets (recommended 6-10). Twist them until they are about to pop (when you start to see ketchup squirting out), and that’s how you know when it’s about to pop!
After all the ketchup packets are twisted, take them to your victim’s toilet seat and place them right below the seat cover. Make sure it CANNOT be seen from above! When you’re certain that it’s not visible from above, close the toilet seat.
Now, when someone sits down on that toilet seat, they’ll be in for a mess! Remember: the more ketchup packets you use, the messier the prank will be.
2. Squirting Sink Prank
I don’t know why, but bathroom pranks are just amazing. This is another great prank perfect for anyone of your choosing. You simply need any tape and a coin. Use scissors to cut small pieces of tape. You are going to tape up around ⅝ of the spout. Then, place the coin inside the small space between the duct tape and the spout. From the photo above, you can see that it’s not obvious that there is tape on the spout of the sink.
When your victim uses the sink, the water is going to bounce off the tape, and it’s going to be absolutely hysterical.
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