10 Things All Perfectionists Understand

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By Alessandra Sy, Year 13

1. You don’t really have problems working in a group, but they think working with you is a nightmare.

2. Your teachers have probably said something like this to you at some point in your life: “It doesn’t have to look nice, it’s just your notes.”

And you hate it.

3. You will keep working until you see the results you want, and sometimes it leads to overworking yourself.

4. This is your typical response when someone tells you to “leave the mess alone”:

5. You procrastinate. You can’t start something until every single detail is planned out and perfectly structured. You need to know the very best way to do something before actually doing it.

(And yes, it’s actually scientifically proven that perfectionists procrastinate a lot.)

6. You hate trying something new and finding out that you’re not very good at it.

7. Working on projects, every font must be the same, aligned, in the right size and colour coordinated. And anyone who’s seen you in the process of editing anything will probably have this reaction:

8. “Good enough” isn’t a concept you can grasp. It’s either perfectly successful, or not. You criticise yourself ruthlessly, and you must find a solution to it.

9. Little things bother you. It could be the fact that the circle isn’t perfectly shaded for an exam, or that a colour is slightly a shade lighter than you would prefer.

10. But in the end, the hard work will always pay off.

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