Winston Workouts: Teachers (1 of 3)

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Alexandra Tan, Year 12

There’s a new craze that’s hit BSM, and it’s all about health and fitness. Many people pursue healthy lifestyles for their own personal reasons, whether for sports performance, general health or preparing their bodies for the summer heat. However, these days, the definition of ‘healthy living’ is definitely affected by the latest trends. From crazy diets to extreme workouts, people are willing to do anything to achieve their fitness goals. But we should remember that it’s all about moderation and feeling good about ourselves inside, not just aesthetically. With the mounting workload as we head onto the final term of the school year, many find it difficult to find time for the gym, eat healthily and get enough sleep every night. But these fit and healthy BSM teachers say otherwise, and offer great advice on how they maintain their healthy lifestyles year-round.

Mr. Storey

Not many people knew about Mr Storey’s athletic side, until he showcased his quality swimming abilities by dominating the school’s termly swim meets. Now, Mr Storey serves as an inspiration for the young swimmers of BSM and everyone’s dying to know about his athlete past.

Mr. Storey: I started swimming for a club when I was 7 or 8; I was competing in swimming galas up until I was 16. My school swimming team was very successful and was the second fastest school team in the UK. The biggest bit of advice I could give any young swimmer is: yes training can be hard and sometimes boring but swimming is great for your fitness and until you stop training you don’t realize how good it is for you and how much you will miss it. I used to train 8 times a week and once I dropped my training down to 3-4 times a week it was extremely hard to go back and get to the same fitness level.

I started playing water polo when I was 12. I played club, county and regional level, which led to me training with the Great Britain team until I was 18. I played water polo all through university reaching the semi finals 3 times. Time management was a skill I had to learn fast. Swimming 7-8 times a week and playing water polo 3 times a week- including galas and polo games, my time was precious but my school work never suffered.

Q: Congratulations on your recent wedding! How has married life affected your fitness?
A: The wedding was a big motivation to get fit and [Mrs. Storey and I] both want to keep that going now we are married; I haven’t been this weight since I was at university. The time we spend exercising hasn’t changed too much since the wedding. We are starting a new boot camp next week at the army cross fit club, can’t wait.

Q: What’s your current fitness routine?
A: I exercise as often as I can. I like routine so joining cross fit will be great, as I can schedule classes.

Q: Any nutrition tips?
A: Eating small meals but more regularly is better than a few big meals

Q: What’s your favorite workout?
A: Any that makes my muscles and body hurt- no pain no gain.

Q: Any advice to people wanting to get fit?
A: When you find something you are good at, train hard and always push yourself more, you may regret it in the future. I know I regret not training as hard as I should have every swimming section.

Ms. Fisher

We’re all thinking the same thing: how did Ms. Fisher do it? Her physical transformation over the past years has garnered many compliments. From IB coordinator, English teacher to Drama teacher, director and most recently, radio actress, Ms. Fisher offers her advice on healthy living, despite a busy schedule.


Ms. Fisher: It’s not easy but I’m at my best when I’m doing everything. I find that when I’m eating healthy, exercising and sleeping 8-9 hours a night, I work so much more efficiently at school and need to do so much less work in the evenings. (I don’t count TGI as work because that is my great love.) [My fitness routine] starts in the morning. If I cycle to school then that will ensure I change into gym clothes to cycle home, which means I will definitely exercise. I’ve been good these last couple of weeks so I exercise 5 times a week: 2 runs and 3 gym classes (either Body Pump or Body Combat). I need to vary it because I get bored easily.

Q: What jump-started your change of lifestyle?
A: I decided it was time when I was on holiday in Brazil in 2012 - lots of beautiful bodies to inspire you there. My sister-in-law in the States was looking stunning and strong quite soon after her second baby and she claimed it was down to a programme called Earn That Body, which I found out you could do anywhere in the world. It’s owned and run by a woman in Austin, Texas, called Kim Strassman-Eagle. She teaches you how to eat healthily and exercise effectively without starving yourself or overtraining. She taught me so much. I did two of her 8-week programmes and then felt confident to pursue it on my own. I have slacked off a bit but am back into my health and fitness now and loving it. Hoping to lose another 15 pounds before the prom so that I make my date (Ms King!) proud and don’t have to cringe at photos afterwards.

Q: Any nutrition tips?
A: 2-3 green veggies a day. Eat whole wheat pasta, bread, brown rice etc. 40% carbs; 30% fat; 30% protein in a calorie controlled diet is what I learnt on ‘Earn That Body’. Can be tracked on a great website called ‘Lose it’. Best nutrition tip: Limit sugar to under 70g a day. This means watching fruit very carefully. No fruit juice and stick to apples, bananas, berries. Most other fruits are really high in sugar.

Q: What is your favourite workout song/playlist/artist?
A: I have a running playlist which involves a fair bit of Bastille, the last Killers album, Arcade Fire, Passion Pit, Vampire Weekend, Imagine Dragons and Of Monsters and Men. But there are two songs that can drag me out of any dump when I’m running: Cold Play’s Viva La Vida and Imagine Dragon’s Top of the World, which was my ‘little’ brother’s wedding dance so it always reminds me of that special day when they actually got married on top of the world on Table Mountain. I’m always looking for new running music and love getting tips from savvy students so don’t be shy!

Q: What’s the best advice you can give from your successful journey?
A: It’s about making the right decision every single day. Decide how many days off a week you need (2/3) and then commit to those. Make a weekly schedule so that when it is your day off, you can enjoy it rather than wondering if you should go to the gym. I know that I feel better, sleep better, think better and treat people better when I exercise. I also know how easy it is to fall into a trap of not exercising.

For more information about the health and fitness of other BSM teachers, such as Mr. Keens and Ms. Taylor, visit next week.

Written by:
Alexandra Tan, Year 12
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