Tips for Newbies

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Words by: Sakshi Viswanathan, Year 12 

Are you a freshman? A new student? Regardless of whether you’re transitioning from middle school to high school, or coming into a brand new school, the first days (maybe even weeks) can be tough. Being the new kid on the block is definitely unnerving, but with these 10 tips you might be able to make the transition a lot smoother:

1. Get enough sleep!

It’s the night before your first day at your new school, make sure to get sleep. Don’t stay up all night tossing and turning, getting pre-morning jitters. Instead, sleep to wake up feeling calm, fresh, energetic, and peppy-looking instead of zombie-like! Sleep not only helps you look fresh, but it also helps you pay more attention. You wouldn’t want to be zoning out of conversations with your new classmates now, would you?

 2. Stay positive!

Chances of your brain coming up with the worst thoughts possible are very high. Relax! You can do this. Things won’t be so bad. Give yourself a little pep talk and remember to stay calm. If you still can't stop the negative thoughts, think about the times you've spent with your friends. Think about something funny, a few memories, maybe your last birthday celebration? Think about all those moments when people were there for you, and remember that they still are.


Smile! Look approachable. Sometimes our expressionless faces can come off as snobby or disinterested. People will come and talk to you and you’ll even feel better. A smiling face also shows confidence, so keep your chin up, your head high and--for the girls--make sure your tiaras don't fall. Just remember, confidence is key, but overconfidence isn't!

4. Academics first!

A new school means a new environment, a new place. In the rush to get along with everyone, don’t compromise on what’s important. Take your education seriously because, c’mon, it’s not cool to fail or brag about failing. Getting a high grade doesn't make you a "nerd". It just shows that you care about what's important. Education will take you a long way and so will kindness. Make that one of your golden rules.

5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and don’t judge people too quickly!

People who intimidate you on the first day? Chances are that they are just curious to know more about you. They may even be excited to have you there. Everyone understands that a new place can be confusing, so go and ask for directions or help with the lessons. They’ll understand because they’ve also been in your shoes, at some point. Also, remember try to make friends and try to help the other new kids too. Stick with each other to navigate your new school together.

6. Try new things!

Once again, a new school means a new beginning and new opportunities. Let your inhibitions, fears and insecurities stay in the past. Dare to try new things. Find yourself and don’t waste your opportunities. Being shy is not a very good thing (I’m talking from personal experience here, people) so don't waste your time thinking of the dreadful "what will they say?", “Do they think I’m weird?”. Spend that time thinking about "how else can I discover more about myself?". Who knows, you might find your true calling! If you’re interested in performing, but you have stage fright… go ahead give it a try, over time stage fright goes away. Just go for it!

7. It’s normal to not feel normal!

Each new place is different. It’s fine to feel worried, as long as you don’t let the pressure dictate what you do. It’s ok to have a bad score on your first quiz or to occasionally get in trouble. That fight with a friend that you're so worried about? It's fine, we fight with the people we love the most. Trust me, one mistake, argument or bad score is not the end of the world.

8. Talk to someone!

Your family, preferably, because they care the most about you. Vent your frustrations out and share your feelings. Don’t ever bottle it in.

9. Find yourself!

You’re in a new environment, be selfish and take opportunities. Join clubs, try out new things, think out of the box and stop thinking about the views of others on your passions. It’s not just about trying something new it’s about understanding yourself better as a person and getting to love yourself first.  Explore and enjoy yourself.

10. Nothing is permanent!

High school, relationships, friendships and a bad day...none of these last forever. High school will end, priorities will change, people will change for the better or worse and the rough days will definitely pass. So chill and don’t stress over petty things.

You won’t stay young forever. Use this time to find yourself. Understand that there is more to life than “popularity”, “normality” and a “class favourite”. What matters the most is being a good person and having an amazing time.

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