We are back!?

By | 5:48 pm

We're Back!

Hey, Winston Roars fam! I know we've been a bit... iNaCtIvE

It’s been a bit of a rollercoaster lately, so here’s the lowdown on what’s been going on:

  1. Goodbye, winstonroars.ph: Our beloved site was snatched away, and now it’s just a parking spot on GoDaddy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  2. Milkshake Meltdown: We thought we’d found a new home on Milkshake.app, but let’s just say someone didn’t hit the sub
    scribe button, and now that’s gone too. Oops.😭😭😭

  3. WordPress? Nah. We almost jumped to WordPress, but after some thought, we decided to keep things simple and stick with what works for now.

Through it all, we’re still here, ready to roar louder than ever!


Jeremy Aidan Yu
Winston Roars 2025 Managerial Editor

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