10 Things That Would Be Different If BSM was Hogwarts

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By: Gabby Uy, Year 9

1. Hagrid would live in one of the Nipa Huts.

2. Quidditch would be played on a walis tingting - recognise this?

3. Somewhere deep within the Chamber of Secrets would lie the recipe for Cornflake Chicken.

4. In fact, everyone’s patronus would be Cornflake Chicken.

Patronus gif.gif

5. Heck, deep within the Hogwarts kitchen, there would be elves who specialize in making Cornflake Chicken, and only Cornflake Chicken.

6. The Hogwarts Express would run on “Manila Time”- in other words, it would be constantly late.

7. The Whomping Willow would be… a whomping palm tree?

palm trees gif .gif

8. The floo network would fail miserably (who has a chimney in this country?), so Sirius would have to talk to Harry to turn on the air conditioning system.

9. Forget owls - mail would be delivered via maya bird. I guess that means that it would it would take a pretty large number of Maya birds to deliver Harry’s Nimbus 2000.

10. Finally, the House Point Extravaganza dice would determine the winner’s house - and, of course, it would definitely be biased in favour of Gryffindor.

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