Taylor Swift : Fearless

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By Crissia Po, Year 10

Released in November 11, 2008, Fearless is the sophomore album of American pop singer, songwriter, and 10-time Grammy winner Taylor Swift. This country album contains thirteen songs about falling in love, experiencing heartbreak, and finding love again. Fearless is about facing one’s fears, fighting for one’s beliefs, believing that someday everything will change for the better, letting go of people who treat one poorly, and having the courage to love again despite the numerous heartbreaks that one may have experienced. Some well-known songs in this album are “Fearless,” the title track about taking chances in love; “Love Story,” a very romantic song based on the William Shakespeare classic Romeo and Juliet; and “White Horse,” a tear-jerking song about breaking up with someone who is unfaithful in a relationship. Fearless  is the best album released in 2008 because this album is full of meaningful songs. People of different ages can relate to the songs in Fearless. The beautifully-worded songs and pleasant melodies clearly show that Swift gave effort into creating this album.  

The songs in Fearless encourage those who are heartbroken to love again and those who feel like giving up to never stop chasing their dreams. The lyrics “And when you're fifteen/ Don’t forget to look before you fall” from the song “Fifteen” is a reminder of the importance of thinking before acting. Hurtful actions or words have destroyed relationships and changed others’ lives forever. “The Best Day” tells us to appreciate what our parents are doing for us. All our parents want is the best for us. They work hard everyday to provide our needs and wants. They support us in our dreams and endeavors. We should always show them our love and care.  “Change”, the last song on Fearless, inspires us to fight for what we believe in and never give up on our dreams even though the path to our dreams is filled with hardships.

The songs in Fearless are relatable to people of different ages. Adolescents can relate to “Fifteen,” a song that describes some of the things that high schoolers experience, like having crushes and feeling disappointed. People in relationships can relate to “Fearless”, “White Horse”, “Breathe”, “Tell Me Why”, and “You’re Not Sorry”; these songs are about taking risks for love and the challenges of being in a relationship.
Swift put her heart and soul into the creation of Fearless. She wrote all the songs in Fearless; the songs are based on her own experiences. Swift composed beautiful melodies to her songs and sang with emotion. This shows her honesty and genuineness that makes her loved by millions of people around the world.

In Fearless, Swift wrote beautiful songs that people of any age can relate to. Swift showed her creativeness in producing Fearless. Through Fearless, she shared what she learned about life, friendship, love, and heartache. Because of these reasons, I give this album a 5/5 rating.
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