15 Signs You Went to Primary School at BSM

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by Alexa Sy, Year 11

Because who doesn't love a little nostalgia?

1. From the moment we could comprehend the concept of language, "color" was colour, favorite was favourite and S > Z

2. You planned your year around dress up days like Tudor day, Roman day, Egyptian day...

3. ....But dreaded the ever so terrifying Victorian Day #GRUELISNOTSOCOOL

Spoiler alert: The teachers don't actually beat you

4. Caliraya was probably the highlight of your Year 4....

5. As was Subic in Y5

6. Oh, and remember when Luzon was blue? #MajorTB

7. Presenting during "Golden Time" was YOUR. TIME. TO. SHINE.

8. And claiming your "star of the week" prize was like receiving your very first Oscar.

9. Reading journal was the very bane of your existence

10. As well as filling in your "Look, Say, Cover Write Check" book...

(and doing all days before class on a Friday morning)

11.  #TB to when BSM served French fries... IN PAPER CONES 

It's ok, cornflake chicken is just as good

12. While life was a lot simpler...


14. Who could forget those petty fights over whose best friend was whose, whose sticker book collection was cuter, or who was allowed to play four square at lunch time?

Real talk though, where were our heads at?

15. And for as trivial as these things may seem looking back, they were precisely what made our primary school experience, uniquely our own. 

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