Putting the ‘Pro’ in Procrastination

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James Robertson, Year 12

When was the last time you had a sleepless night working on homework due the following day, or rather later in the day, and couldn’t stop panicking about your upcoming funeral? If the answer was ‘recently’, you better read on. Over the years, I have had my own fair share of close calls where I had managed to truly put the ‘pro’ in procrastination only to remind myself after ‘never again’ will I be so foolish. However, up to this day, to no astounding surprise, I still manage to leave work occasionally unfinished right up to the day before it is to be handed in. In my defense, I procrastinate far less than I used to because of these few tips I have learned from my own experiences.

Stop binge watching
There have been days where I have done nothing but catch up with my favourite television shows from sunrise to sunset, sometimes even beyond that. To which afterwards, I immediately think to myself how did time pass so fast? I now realize it’s better to spread out watching the episodes of a television show over weeks or months rather than spending a whole day vegetating and leaving no time for anything productive. It is almost an addiction to the point where you may even take more days off to slack by satisfying your cravings for the television show you are obsessed over. Entertaining yourself with a television show as a reward for hard work will help you immensely when it comes to getting work done. I try to remind myself if I finish my work for the day then I can watch the next episode of ‘Breaking Bad’ or ‘The Walking Dead’ while feeling good that I have deserved the right to watch just one more episode.

Don’t sleep in on weekends
Ever wondered why people hate Mondays? Well, I think it’s because people do the majority of their sleeping for the week during the weekends; this is a horrible idea. Speaking from experience, sleeping during the afternoon on a weekend can severely impact your body clock. I can’t sleep normally on a Sunday night which leaves me to ponder on my life in the early hours of Monday. Following a regular sleeping pattern will give you more time to work and to enjoy yourself. My friends who do manage to wake up early on weekends (shocking, I know) have told me that they feel like they are able to do so much more with their time whether it is work or play. People have a tendency to switch off when it comes to the evening so it is best to do work during daylight hours when your body is most active.

Slack productively
If all else fails and you succumb to procrastinating, then at least do something productive. There may be times when you cannot help yourself but waste some time to blow off some steam when perhaps you shouldn’t, but who am I to judge? Doing things like playing a musical instrument or reading a book is a lot more productive than say, playing video games. At least by doing these sorts of activities you are able to develop your skills and not completely waste your time. Who knows, maybe you could become the next Jimi Hendrix by a rather ironic lack of dedication.

Timetable your time
Doesn’t it sound insane to create more work by making a timetable for yourself when you’re a committed slacker? Well, by timetabling your time, you will be able to get far more work done and enjoy your time off even more than you do now. Without some sort of structure to guide you through the day, you will be more likely to leave work for another day when you are in the mood to do it. However, the obvious plot twist to this story is that you never actually get around to doing the work you were meant to do. By creating and following a timetable, you allow yourself to use your time efficiently by putting your head down for an hour or so while knowing that afterwards you can have a well deserved break to relax.

Written by:
James Robertson, Year 12

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