Bonfire Night

By | 6:21 pm Leave a Comment
By Patrick Kho, Year 11

Tomorrow, BSM will be celebrating Bonfire Night, an annual event celebrating the story of Guy Fawkes, a man who stood up against the persecution of the Catholic minority in 17th century England and was not afraid to fight for what he believed in. The event has become a huge part of the school’s community, bringing teachers, parents and students closer together through food, music, a bonfire and a magnificent show of fireworks.
At Winston, we decided to talk to three PTA members and discuss why the event is so significant in the BSM community and why we celebrate it annually.  
“Guy Fawkes was only one of a group of people that were standing up for the Catholics that were being persecuted at that time. He just happened to be the one that was caught,” explains Ms. Carolyn Daunt, “So we can look at Guy Fawkes as the bad guy (which they have done for a long time), but sometimes people can look at him as the person who stood up for his beliefs and we can celebrate the fact that he was a rebel.”
“It’s a tradition; something that’s gone through generations and has brought families together, something that people often see as ‘very British’,” Ms. Lisel Binns unfeignedly states. “It brings the community together; teachers, governors, families; it’s the only time we really come together to socialise.”
“Growing up as children we always celebrated it. I would imagine that the school adopted it because it’s a British thing to do; it’s something we would celebrate.” Ms. Emma van Niekerk adds.
Bonfire Night has become an event of utmost significance to the BSM community. It has played and continuously plays a vital role in shaping the childhood of many students who have ever walked the halls of this school.
So on the 3rd of November, come and join the rest of the community to celebrate the British tradition of Bonfire Night and the inspiring story of Guy Fawkes through a variety of food, music and fireworks that will undoubtedly bring the students, teachers and parents of British School Manila closer together.
Tickets will be on sale for 600 PHP tomorrow.

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